2008年12月30日 星期二

The Format of Your Thesis

A full research paper at least contains six parts, namely cover, contents,introduction, thesis, conclusion, and references (Appendix if possible). Except for the title (#14),you need to write your paper in the size of 12, Times New Roman, double space. See the example here.

How to Present Tables and Figures

Dear all,

When you present your table or figure, do not forget to give your explanation. Here is the example you may take a look at. http://www.iacis.org/iis/2007_iis/PDFs/Chang.pdf.
Requested by the publisher, I moved the tables and figures in the end of the paper. In other words, you don't have to do so! You just put your words above or under the tables or figures.

Besides, you have to try your best to combine the questions you ask on your survey or questionnaire. See the example here.

2008年12月25日 星期四

Writing Program

Dear all,

If you are interested in writing and you'd like to improve your writing skill, you may join in the program!

2008年12月23日 星期二

How do you write the body of your research paper?

After finishing the introduction, you are now writing the biggest part of your research paper--main body. The main body of your research paper contains a great deal of information and facts. Of course, it is the longest section. This is why I always call it "beef" in class. So, where is your beef? Here are some tips for your reference:

1. Clear arguments• You have to know what you are saying. Do not shift from one topic to another.
2. Avoid redundant words. Delete "I think" or "I feel" because the paper is written by you; of course, it is your thinking and your feeling.
3. Read your paper aloud. Reading aloud can help you make sure your writing readable. Ask yourself, "Do my statements make sense?" or "Does my sentence have any grammatical errors?"
4. Have someone else read your paper. Besides your teacher, you'd better ask someone else to read your paper, such as your group members or friends to read your paper. It is easy for outside readers to catch errors in your paper.
5. Use Word Processor. Do not forget to use the checking tool to do you a favor in your spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
6. Avoid Plagiarism. Plagiarism ruins your reputation. Do not forget to use paraphrasing skill and give citations (credits) when you use others' ideas.
7. Always keep your schedule. A good research paper takes time, so if you do it before the night of the due day. Obviously, your work will be awkward and ineffective.

How to Write a Research Paper
By Cristopher Fowers

2008年12月14日 星期日

You Are Writing Your Thesis Right Now!

Dear all,

I've finished reading your introduction and will give it back to you on December 16. I am sure you are ready to give part of the second section and still keep doing the rest of it. Since you need time to keep writing and I need time to discuss with you about your papers, I suppose we have to stay in the language lab in the following weeks. Therefore, let us meet in the language lab then. Oh, here is one thing to remind you of: do not forget to bring all your material to the language lab because you need to use your time well even at school.

2008年12月2日 星期二

Writing Schedule

In building a house, an architect won't build blind. He or She will start with a foundation, following the structure of the house, the walls, the supporting beams, the ceiling, etc. All these steps just stick to his or her plan. Likewise, a research writer won't write blind. He or she will draft his or her outline first, because an outline will make him or her better prepare for the task of writing and an outline will help see the overall picture of the paper. As Arnold Schopenhaur,German philosopher, mentioned, "Write the way an architect builds, who first drafts his plan and designs every detail."

Setting up your outline? Then, it is time for you to fill the stuff on the basis of your outline. The following are the writing schedule and a video of how to write a research paper. Read and watch carefully! Let me know if you have further questions.

2008年11月26日 星期三

What You Need to Know

2008年11月20日 星期四

Examples of Your Projects

Here are two examples of the projects. The first one is done by an elementary school student.
http://pses.tyc.edu.tw/video/test17.wmv The other is a magnificent work conducted by my classmate, Carmen, and her team--Michael Damon (original music) and Eric Phillips-Horst (cinematography). After watching these two projects, think about what you can do for your own.

2008年11月18日 星期二


1. Finish your outline. 2. Find another article and write the note.
3. Check your link workable.
4. Check your school report. http://homepage.ntust.edu.tw/YUYING/
(Class 212: Nov 24 due; Class 306: Nov 26 due)

2008年11月16日 星期日

Notice of the Midterm Exam

1. Sections 1.5 to 1.8
2. Books, handouts, and dictionaries are available on the midterm exam.
3. Two articles (i.e. Furneral, To Eat or not to Eat) must be brought on the midterm exam.
4. Your personal thesis data should be brought, either.


2008年11月12日 星期三

Assignments (W11)

1. Discuss your own outline with Chris. (Please make an appointment with me in advance.)
2. Rewrite your own outline after the discussion and put it on your blog.
3. Keep finding related articles and take notes.
4. Read section 1.8.

2008年11月3日 星期一

Another Move (before Nov. 11)

1. Compose your outline
2. Study section 1.7
3. Keep searching your supporting articles

2008年10月28日 星期二

Preparation for Next Week

1. Study "A Disappearing Part of Traditional Taiwanese Culture--Professional Funeral Mourners: A Case Study of a Family Funeral Business." (17 pages)
2. Quiz on the vocabulary of the thesis.
3. Give the outline of the thesis.
4. If you have time, keep reading articles related to your topic.http://www.slideshare.net/yuying/w9-evaluating-sources-and-note-taking-presentation/

Here is a piece of new information about research strategies issued by New York University. Why not get inside and take a look! http://classweb.gmu.edu/nccwg/researchstrat.htm

2008年10月21日 星期二

Group Links

Class 212
12 and 23: http://chabe-project.blogspot.com/2008/10/introduction-61112.html
20 and 33: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/news/ding_click
5, 10, 34: http://611051034.blogspot.com/
39 and 42: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/slhs&category_id=0
31, 36, and 38: http://blog.yam.com/sskc61138
3 and 13: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!pJzkbqCFERkuECKzD2xDrih4
Jing 14, Caroline 25 and Coco 26: http://afl-research.blogspot.com/
Sophie 19 and Cathy 24: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/news/19s24c
1, 2 and 7: http://ts00528654.blogspot.com/
29, 32, and 37: http://blog.xuite.net/superteamya/12
22 and 28 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/belong2228
9, 30, and 40 http://www.sxxkschool.blogspot.com/
41 and 27 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!9Z59NjGTEU.9jCIJ4Vgitg--/
15周宜樺,18邱于珊, and21柳姿瑜

Class 306
2 and 6: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/cheungzhang/20982576
22 and 24: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/wht080705
28 and 29: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/project-writing
35 and 39: http://slhs3539306.pixnet.net/blog
16 and 38: http://slhs536.pixnet.net/blog
40 and 41: http://okok123q.blogspot.com/
10 and 19: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/a861032
14: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/PWBS
15 and 17: http://www.mtv.com.tw/blogs/greenblue
32: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/news/dish53632
3, 6, and 7 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!AnWuMriHAxJ1Ow_jRfz4YHpruA--
25, 26 and 34 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/tml206207
9 and 20 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/projectwriting-zone
Bei-Bei: http://bethbe306projectwriting.blogspot.com/

I appreciate that you give me your English names, so that I do not call you numbers.

2008年10月10日 星期五

Sample of Working Bibliography for a Research Paper (excerpt)

Reference: http://www.slideshare.net/yuying/slideshows

Topic: Linguistic nativism, national identity, and English language policy in Taiwan
Title: My Tongue, Your Tongue: English as a Taiwanese Language
Main thesis: Taiwan’s democratic reforms require that a new definition of what it means to be “Taiwanese” serve as the basis of a new language policy with a Taiwanese variety of English at its center, which erases the artificial distinction between “native speaker” and “nonnative speaker.”
Key words: language policy, multiculturalism, national identity, nativism

Working bibliography
1. Coulmas, F. (Ed.). (1981). A festschrift for native speaker. The Hague: Mouton.
The most relevant articles in this anthology are the ones that cast suspicion on the theoreti­cal assumption that the native speaker is a reliable guide to linguistic per­form­ance in a sec­ond language. Jacob Mey’s article (“Right or wrong, my na­tive speaker”) sati­rizes this assump­tion, saying that the “Native Speaker is the fi­nal crite­rion of mat­ters lin­guistic: his ver­dict settles all linguistic dis­putes.... He is above all laws: he is the Law himself” (p. 70). In his introduction, Florian Coulmas gives a critical histori­cal survey of the “universal accep­tance of the na­tive speaker” in theoretical and ap­plied linguistics research (p. 2).

2. Figueroa, E. (1984). Language policy in Taiwan: The politics of Guoyu. Unpublished mas­ter’s the­sis, University of Hawaii, Honolulu.
Although written prior to the official formation of the DPP, this thesis provides rele­vant histori­cal information about the ideological forces that shaped the Mandarin-only lan­guage pol­icy that was in effect in the Republic of China and whose effect is still felt in Taiwan to­day. Figueroa perceptively anticipated many of the current problems in relation to national iden­tity and ethnicity in Taiwan, as is evident when she ob­serves that almost half of the origi­nal KMT leader­ship, including Chiang Kai-shek, “came from Southern di­alectal re­gions where the [non-Mandarin] vernacular predomi­nated and ‘guoyu’ wasn’t likely to make much of a dent” (p. 14).

3. Kowal, K. (2002, November). English spoken here. Taipei Review, 52, 30–35.
This somewhat optimistic article discusses current language attitudes, language pol­icy, and na­tional identity in the wake of the DPP’s 2000 victory and efforts to pro­mote English in Taiwan. It argues that “[i]n many respects, Mandarin is a leg­acy of Tai­wan’s Republican past” (p. 31). Elsewhere, it says that “English and Mandarin are both ‘Taiwanized’ and have be­come ‘Taiwanese’ languages” (p. 33), and that the English used in Taiwan “need not be re­garded primarily as a foreign language” (p. 35). This language can serve as “an ideologi­cal buffer” as Taiwan defines itself as a sover­eign state independent from China (p. 35).
Wachman, A. (1994). Taiwan: National identity and democratization. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe.
This comprehensive analysis of Taiwan’s national identity question was pre­pared in the pe­riod between the lifting of martial law in 1987 and the DPP’s vic­tory in the 2000 presiden­tial election. Wachman argues that “[t]o consider mat­ters of identity, one must depart the world of facts and enter a realm of sentiment and beliefs” (p. 28). This is relevant because it calls attention to the com­plex of emotions that is often irra­tional and susceptible to biases to­ward “for­eigners” in Taiwan: “the convictions peo­ple have about their own identity are not necessarily consistent with reason. Identities are driven by emotion…” (p. 28).

4. Wu, C. S. (2003, November 22). Quality English teachers [Letter to the editor]. Taipei Times, p. 8.
This short letter, written by a local academic and published in a widely read daily English news­paper in Taiwan, is relevant be­cause it illustrates the popular old confla­tion of nativ­ism, nationality and “foreignness.” The author argues that “re­verse discrimina­tion” is tak­ing place in “foreign language education” in Taiwan today. “Native speakers of English are hired, regardless of their profes­sional training” while “[t]alented and well-trained local teach­ers don’t even get interviewed.” Wu’s stereo­type of one particular group of “native speak­ers” is evi­dent in the statement, “[m]any American teachers know that and take advan­tage of it.” I italicize Wu’s assumption-laden terms here.

(Author: Dr. Kowal, K.)

2008年10月9日 星期四

Start Working on Your Blog

You've learned how to write an introduction of a research paper. You've also started reading articles related to your topic. So, it is time to enrich your blog! Class, do not forget to put all the stuff you did on your blog. I will grade it every other week and see if your blog has any change. Then, right after the midterm, you are moving further--you are going to write annotated bibliography. It is great to see your progress!

2008年10月2日 星期四

Tools That You Can Use in Writing

In the past, I use thesaurus dictionaries in writing, but nowadays I tend to use corpus which contains the function of web concordancer to find right words. Here are the tools you may try.
http://www.americancorpus.org/x.asp?L=e&co=anc&c=olbalbpjo&e=yuying@mail.ntust.edu.tw http://www.edict.com.hk/vlc/

2008年9月23日 星期二

Quiz on Sections 1.1 to 1.3

Section 1: Clarification

F 1. A research project is a collection of others’ opinions and sources.

T 2. There are two major sources: primary and secondary research. The information, ideas, and opinions of other researchers is called secondary sources.

T 3. Primary research is the study of a subject through firsthand observation and investigation such as an interview.

T 4. The research paper is based on primary research, secondary research or a combination of the two.

T 5. Generally speaking, the steps of doing research are selecting a suitable topic, conducting research, compiling a working bibliography, taking notes, outlining and preparing the paper.

Section 2: Essay Writing (at least 50)

1. What does a research paper look like? What parts does it include? Please use at least 50 words to describe the answers.

Here comes another good example!

61125 張雅婷 提到...
1.What is the purpose of "Research Project"?
When doing a research project, it is to combine the secondary research information, such as the scientific proves or examinations of study, to your own conclusions. The research is only used to support your ideas, so you should not just make a summary of it. (It is also great to do the primary research.)

2.Why do you high school students need to do it?
It helps us introduce and present a topic clearly. And it’s useful as well as in our future career.

3.What is its procedure?
To begin with, it’s to choose the right theme which corresponds to your interest. Before starting, revise and modify it. Secondly, make sure that the information that you find is sufficient to make a research paper. Nonetheless, asking the instructor is always important.

4.What is the principle when doing it?
Use the secondary sources or do your own research to clarify your standpoint. Also, there is no an exact pattern to make the project. Either way can lead to a successful research.

5.How do you start doing it?
I’ll look for a topic which is more general to start my first project. After practicing more, hopefully I’ll get the skills to work on it.

2008年9月17日 星期三

Selecting Your Topics

Dear all,

We are stepping on the beginning of doing a project. How exciting it is! Right now, each group needs to prepare five titles on the basis of your interest or current issues. If you still have no idea, perhaps the website (http://www.shs.edu.tw/index.php?p=search) can give you some inspiration. That is, read those students' titles and figure out your own. Just do not forget to explain your reasons while you are writing your titles. Try to think as many reasons as you can. The reasons for each group must be written around 100 words at least and put your titles and reasons in the opinion section.

2008年9月16日 星期二


Dear all,

If you are interested in submitting your paper in Octber, you may read the following instructions. Please come to me if you have any question about it.



















第 一 頁:封面頁










3、點選『上傳我的作品』 (畫面右邊)。


5、填入小論文篇名→選擇類別(參見小論文類別說明)→連結檔案 →完成上傳動作。

6、點選參加比賽圖示 完成投稿動作。



Reference: http://do.shs.edu.tw/display_pages.php?pageid=2008063001

2008年9月11日 星期四


1. Class 306 and Class 212, please inform the one who takes this course that we are going to have a quiz on sections 1.1 to 1.3 and awarded papers. Just let me know if you have any question about it.
2. Class 212, each of you needs to prepare a notebook for revising essays.
3. See your score and your writing with my feedback on http://homepage.ntust.edu.tw/yuying/.

Here are two good examples you may take a look at.

53632 蔡玉婷

"Research Project” is a subject that we have to study for it. We need to do lots of work and try to learn about it, no matter what the project is. In order to do well on it, each of us has to observe our environment and find something that can be done in a project. For example, we may surf on the NET, watch TV, read magazine, read books and read newspaper. In addition to the observation, teamwork also acts as an important role, because it not only helps us to study, but also to learn how to deal with other people. With the information and teammates required, how do we begin the project work? I think we team members need to decide a subject first by using the findings of our observation. The subject can be the things we have interested in, or the things we want to research. Then, we are going to find relevant information and reviews and do work in this course. That must be a big work and need a lot of time to finish it. But that’s what the purpose is. After the learning course, we all have many harvests. And now, in order to understand more and more about “Research Project,” let's read the textbooks or other projects now!

Note: Use transitional words or phrases to make a paragraph coherent and reasonable.

61114 周文鈞

At first, we may think the Research Project course is difficult. But, after reading this letter, we know this subject is not only funny, but also beneficial. (This is your comment. It is nothing to do with the summary, so delete it.) The letter lets us know what the Research Project course is and how we should do it. It is a different course from the one we learned before. (This is your comment. It is nothing to do with the summary, so delete it.) We have to find some information when we do a research project. The letter even tells us some skills about doing a research project. First of all, it needs a group of members to finish (if we have ability, we also can do it by ourselves). If we have some questions, we have to ask the teacher or find it out by using different sources. We also have to study related papers of the subject we are interested in because it will make us understand the subject clearly and write correctly and fast when we do a research project. Apart from asking and studying, we also need to communicate with others more. Practice is everything. Once we study more, ask more and even talk more, we will learn more! This Research Project course will make our learning better and better. (This is your comment. It is nothing to do with the summary, so delete it.)

Note: A summary should not include personal reflection or comment.

2008年9月9日 星期二

Blog Writing (Assignments)

Dear all,

Please read the works on http://www.shs.edu.tw/index.php?p=search and answer the questions below.
  1. What is the purpose of "Research Project"?
  2. Why do you high school students need to do it?
  3. What is its procedure?
  4. What is the principle when doing it?
  5. How do you start doing it?


2008年8月24日 星期日

A Letter to Students

Dear all,

Welcome to the Research Project course! What is this course about? Hey, do not wait for my answer! No. You have to figure it out on your own.... Well, I believe you have already had your own guess. Good for you!

Now, to better your understanding, I need you to read over the brief introduction below and compare it with your prediction and you will know what Research Project is and what you have to do for this course.

Research Project is a course that offers you a chance to go beyond what you know and to think and incorporate ideas by others, and to submit your integrated papers. To get involved in this course, you will write a detailed study of a subject. Next, you will access the Internet, to check out books from the library, and perhaps to interview several people to discover information or reach a new understanding. Then, to present your integrated works, you will need to polish your writing ability and presentation skill. Lastly, your project will take place in groups. In other words, when you are evaluated, it is largely in relation to your contribution to the project work. Wait! Here is the most important thing: self-studying and asking questions are the major keys. If you don’t study and ask, you will never learn!

It sounds like an entirely new, tough course that you’ve never contacted before. But, don’t worry! Once you develop the following quality of characteristics, you will be a successful project researcher: (1) reading and writing, (2) working with others (usually 3-5 students in one group), (3) a regular schedule of meetings, (4) talk isn't cheap—giving yourself a talk. These are not what you are born with, but what you need to nurture. They require practice—practice every day.

Research Project can be made more enjoyable and productive through individual and cooperative effort. For you, research techniques are a product of experience rather than formal training because this course helps you experience methods of discovery, critical thinking, logical analyses, and problem-solving and even reach the demands of the community. Enjoy!

How to Use the Language Lab

1. Remove the security.
2. Unlock the door.
3. Turn on the fan and air-con. (No more three air-cons.)
4. Press on the switches of the black and white boxes on the desk.
5. Turn on megaphone and microphone (the first and third machines).
6. Pull down the big screen (the switch is next to the cabinet with megaphone).
7. Don’t forget to turn on the computer.
8. If I want everyone to listen to and watch the screen (either their computer screen or the big screen), I just press “all choices + change.”
9. When I want to give back their screen, I just press “all choices + clean.”
10. If I want to randomly watch over students’ computer, I press “all choices + monitor.”
11. If I want to specifically watch over someone, I press “the number + monitor.”

2008年6月17日 星期二

Welcome to Chris' Classroom

Can you believe the summer has gone? Well, it is! Some, of course, are thrilled about going back to school, while others are less enthusiastic. No matter what kind of feeling you have, well, welcome on board! Welcome to the English World! Now you will need to spend a few moments to read over the requirements of the course. Do not feel hesitated to ask if you have any question about this course

Tentative Syllabus of Research Project
First Semester, 2008

Instructor: Dr. Yu-ying Chris Chang
Course link: http://projectwriting.blogspot.com/

Research Project is a course that helps you experience methods of discovery, critical thinking, logical analyses, and problem-solving and even reach the demands of the community. It is a course that offers you a chance to go beyond what you know and think and incorporate ideas by others, and to present your integrated products. To involve in the course, you will need to choose a subject and do a series of studying and researching. You will need to access the Internet, to check out books from the library, and perhaps to interview several people to discover information or reach a new understanding. Most important, to present your integrated works, you will need to polish your writing and oral presentation skills. The class activities will include lectures, discussion, online activities, individual and group (usually 3-5) presentations, etc.

1. Class attendance, preparation and participation
2. Satisfactory completion of all the assignments (i.e. weekly reading and writing)

1. Gibaldi, J. (2003). MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 6th edition. New York: The Modern Language Association of America. (書林書局代理)

2. 王貳瑞,實務專題製作與報告寫作,華泰書局,台北,民國94年4月。
3. http://www.crlsresearchguide.org/00_Introduction.asp
4. http://pzweb.harvard.edu/Research/Research.htm
5. http://staffcentral.brighton.ac.uk/CLT/research/projects.htm
6. http://cela.albany.edu/reports.htm
7. http://www.education.vic.gov.au
8. Lester, J. D., & Lester, Jr., J. D. (2007). Writing Research Papers: A Complete Guide. New York: Pearson Longman. (書林書局代理)

IV. Evaluation:
1. Class attendance, participation, quizzes, assignments 40%
2. Weekly writing 20%
3. Midterm and final exams: 40%

• 所有的書寫的作業必須經過資料蒐集、閱讀、討論、用Word Processor寫出並用電子檔寄出
• 你的作業檔名為(你的名字+學號+項目+日期)
e.g. Chris8920101Overview(1)20080901
• 課程資料及優異的作品會放置在指導老師網站:http://projectwriting.blogspot.com/ http://homepage.ntust.edu.tw/YUYING/

Weekly Schedule
Week 1
• Orientation
1. A letter to students in Research Project
2. An introduction to Research Project
3. Time slot
4. Grouping
5. Reporting Activity: overview (1)
a. What does a research project look like?
b. Why do we need to learn Research Project?
c. What are the purposes of doing a research project?
d. What is the procedure of doing a research project?
e. What are the principles of doing a research project?

Week 2
• Overview (1)
What, why, the purposes, the principles, and the procedure
• Search Activity:

Week 3
• Quiz
• Overview (2): Definition, Objectives, Framework, Coverage, Procedure
• How to choose an appropriate topic
• Principles of Selecting a Topic & Ways to Settle on a Topic

Week 4
• Quiz
• How to collect data and do research
• Writing Activity:
• Log on the national library or city library and find out references related to your topic (at least two) and explain why.

Week 5
• Library trip
Report: introduce one of the sources in libraries.

Week 6
• Presentations
• Writing Activity: Discuss with your group members and hand in your group bibliography.

Week 7 Midterm Exam I (?)

Week 8
• Compiling a working bibliography (references)
• Writing Activity: Refine and convert all the working bibliographies and make the works-cited list of you group.

Week 9
• Group presentation of your work-cited lists
• Evaluating sources
• Taking notes & Types of Note-taking
• Index cards
• Writing Activity: Individually find two articles and make index cards (i.e. a working bibliography with notes). One of the articles should be summarized and the other should be paraphrased.

Week 10
• Application (presentation of group index cards)

Week 11
• Quiz
• Outlining:
What are outlines? Why do researchers need outlines?
How are outlines formed? Types of outlines.
The difference between outlines and proposals.
• Writing Activity:
• Write your own outline.
• Work with your group members and work out your group outline.

Week 12
• Quiz
• Conferencing
• Start writing the first draft

Week 13
• Language and style
• Guides to writing
• Plagiarism

Week 14 Midterm Exam II

Week 15
• Mechanics of Writing—student presentations (sections 3.1 to 3.4)

Week 16
• Mechanics of Writing—student presentations (sections 3.5 to 3.8)

Week 17
• Mechanics of Writing—student presentations (sections 3.7 to 3.8)
• Review

Week 18 Oral exam

Week 19 Oral exam: Final project due

Week 20 Final Exam (Written Form)

The criteria of grading.
1. Need to have a paper work with a complete framework, including a cover, a content, group name list and distribution, pictures and figures or tables, an introduction, a body, conclusion, suggestion, and implication.

2. Each group can have only 15 minutes to present its product. I prefer group work unless your personal stuff is good enough so you can do it individually.

3. You need to send a digital file and paper copy respectively to the instructor on time. The due date will be at 12: 30 p.m.

Notes for the next semester:
The next semester will focus on an individual or pair work or a big project with multiple members, so that you need to prepare your focus (subject) in the winter break.