2009年6月28日 星期日

Happy Summer Vacation!

Dear all,

It finally comes to the end of the semester. Tough course? Tough semester? In fact, you may feel you learned nothing this semester, unless you involved yourself in it. But, anyway, it is the end. Here I'd like to share what my student, ED, said on his paper two days ago: The more passion you have, the more things you will learn. For me, passion easily fades away, but enthusiasm does not. Thus, though the ending bell rings, an unseen future is still waiting for you. Why not keep the positive, bright attitude to face it!

2009年6月17日 星期三


為讓畫面更清晰,可以在輸出時用-->建立檔案-->Mpeg 2 or 4.


See the website offered by Mr. Pan.

2009年6月14日 星期日

Lump Images, Words, and Sounds Together

Dear all,

I'd like to remind you of two things.

1. It is time for you to lump the images, words, and sounds together and become one audio file.
2. You may participate the thesis competition issued by the Education Bureau in October. The ones who won the prize still can take part in it. However, the length is no longer than 10 pages. Otherwise, you'll never win.
How to save your file as PDF file. You may download from http://toget.pchome.com.tw/intro/utility_file/utility_file_view/9525.html or from the Bureau that you submit the paper to.

Another Notice
(Whenever You Change the Computer or Leave Your Computer)


這樣就不會掉檔啦! (要帶到不同電腦編輯或最後備份作品時一定要做哦!)

2009年6月9日 星期二

Dub and Sound Effects

See, the world is learning Chinese.

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-hnui-GIQg&feature=fvhl
If we can learn English well, we will have jobs for good. There is a slang that describes the situation: Every day has its day.

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPMHezQzTSI&NR=1

2009年6月3日 星期三

Sound Effects

Thank Theresa's suggestion about the links to sound effects.
Go see it and you may find the sounds you need online!

2009年6月1日 星期一

Do Not Lag behind the Schedule!

The following is the school report card. Let me know if there is any mistake. Also, do not forget to arrange your photos or pictures according to your script this week.

2009年5月27日 星期三

得獎感言--Positive Attitude


I am impressed by the winners' words which echo what I have said:
The major key to win the prize is your positive attitude--self-studying and asking questions. If you don't study and ask, you will never learn! Thus, Keep doing.

2009年5月26日 星期二

Assignment for This Week

1. Script 完成
2. PowerDirect 第1版

Feedback on Your Scripts

1. Read the tips on how to write a story.
2. Give a correct format for writing a story.
3. Add Conversations.
4. Add emotion description.
5. Make sure your story contains dramatic effects and climaxes.

For example,

2009年5月24日 星期日



Groups for the Final Project:
Class 212
61122, 61121, 61130 & 61140 (Rats)
61105, 61110, 61113 & 61141 (A Love Story)
61119, 61124 & 61139 (?)
61103 (A Journey)
61118, 61115, 61136 & 61138 (A Ghost Story)
61111, 61116, 61117 & 61142 (A Shadow)
61112 & 61123 (A Young Lady on the Fourth Floor)
61125 & 61128 (?)
61129, 61132 & 61137 (Net Pals?)
61120 & 61133 (Three Little Pigs)
61127 (Lion Stitch?)
61114, 61126, 61131 & 61134(A Legend)

Class 306
53616 & 53638 (Akido)
53615 & 53640 (Naomi Doesn't Like to Wear a Skirt)
53641 & 53617 (A Dirty School)
53609, 53611, 53619 & 53620 (Sorry, Jerry)
53603, 53606, 53607 & 53602 (Three Pig 2)
53622, 53624 & 53630 (Pedency)
53610 (The Unique Parrot)
53632, 53634, 53635 & 53639 (A Little Lion)
53628 & 53629 (Echo)
53612 & 53614 (Little King December)

2009年5月21日 星期四

Big News

感謝大直高中所辦的Moodle研習,讓我知道台灣還有這種可以分享的自由軟體 (合法使用並下載)!你們可以好好運用在 final project!


2009年5月11日 星期一


How to Write a Story

As an English teacher, I am usually asked how to learn English including four skills. In fact, my answer to such a question will never be changed--Always focusing on the skill itself. That is, if you want to learn how to write, then write. However, reading and writing are two sides of a coin. So, without input such as reading stories, it is impossible for you to write a good story. See the following tips adapted from Blackdog and hope you can learn something.

First, read stories.

Second, gather ideas for your story.

Third, know your characters.

Fourth, create a plot for your story.

Fifth, limit the breadth of your story.

Sixth, decide who will tell the story: first-person (“I”), second-person (“you”), or third-person (“he” or “she”)?

Seventh, start writing.

Eighth, discuss with your friends or instructors.

Ninth, keep revising your story.

Here is another website that helps you start writing:

2009年5月4日 星期一

Grammar Checker

雖然不完全精確,但不無小補 (BNC) (Google) (BNC) (BNC)

The rule-based checker

2009年4月29日 星期三

Schedule__Final Project!

Dear all,

Here comes the last step for your research project in high school. Please grasp the opportunity to leave something impressive in this period of time!

2009年4月21日 星期二

2009年4月11日 星期六

A Good Example of Presentation

The Oral Exam will be held on April 21st and 22nd.
Class 106 will go to observe your presentation.

2009年4月2日 星期四

Oral Exam!

Dear all,

Here comes the oral exam. Each group needs to spend 5 to 10 minutes to report what you have done in the previous papers. Since each group only has around 5 to 10 minutes, you may send one representative to report it. Please limit your PowerPoint to 3 to 6 slices.

See the example below.

2009年3月24日 星期二

Keys to All Exercises

1. Even though she was a great artist, Frieda remained in the shadow of her husband for a long time.
2. I have always enjoyed driving up the coast of California, so we will leave for Big Sur on Saturday.
3. Alberto opened his first restaurant in San Diego in 1987, with only $300.
4. Ringo, on the other hand, greatly admired Beethoven.
5. Tomorrow Oedipus intends to go to foot doctor, talk to the Sphinx eat lunch with his wife, and ponder his fate.
6. The salesperson’s considerate, kind attention impressed Mr. Gutierrez.
7. The melodious, soothing sound of the flute helped Favio to relax.
8. Tony Soprano wanted the pasta dish yet feared that it was poisoned. (correct)
9. Craig’s mother, who doubted he could swim very well, asked him to be careful.
10. Sunday, June 4, 1994, was an important day in Jose’s life.

1. Dizzy picked up his trumpet; then he blew a scorching version of “Salt Peanuts.”
2. Describe one of the following characters: Hamlet, Captain Ahab, Emma, Reseanne, Joan of Arc, Holden Caulfield or Iago.
3. The elves enjoyed the shade of the mushroom; however, they lamented the lack of dew.
4. Here is what the refugee carried the novel Heart of Darkness; the poem Patterns, the candy bar Baby Ruth.
5. Raul was unable to solve the puzzle; therefore, he sent for a book of hints.
6. You take the easy path; then you will worry about the road not taken forever.
7. Mabel desperately wanted to visit her favorite aunt, who lived in Denver, Colorado; to spend some days gambling in Deadwood, South Dakota; and to tour Graceland, where Elvis had lived.
8. correct
9. The artist kept painting melted watches; meanwhile, his friends told him that his paintings would never sell.
10. In “Why I Won’t Buy My Sons Toy Guns,” Robert Shaffer makes an interesting point: “Any toy is a teacher.”

1. That is Barry’s baseball glove; he won’t mind if you use it.
2. Do you think Charles’ woman friends will marry him?
3. Mel Gibson’s portrayal of Hamlet was lively, but I’ve seen it better.
4. In twenty-four hours time, Oedipus found out that he had killed his father and married his mother.
5. People thought that Bridget’s monologue on roadkill wasn’t in good taste.
6. It’s customary for the female black widow spider to kill its mate.
7. You’re also aware, I’m sure, that the female praying mantis bites off the head of her mate and eats it.
8. The children’s bicycles shouldn’t have been left out in the rain.
9. I don’t want to hear anyone’s excuses after the game.
10. My mother-in-law’s visits to her five relatives’ homes were a pleasant surprise.
11. The dog could not find shelter, and its puppies’ cries were beginning to grow louder.
12. Hasn’t the McDonalds’ house been painted yet?
13. Carla’s mistake cost Woody three days’ pay.
14. The women’s department in Sears wasn’t open yesterday.
15. A week’s vacation in the Bahamas had nearly erased the worry lines from my brother’s face.

1. Hal said, “Squid tentacles are my favorite snacks.”
2. “Will you get the tickets for the concert?” asked Georgette.
3. Icarus said that “he would fly low.”
4. Christopher Dickey opens his article with the following statement: “In the long and bloody reign of Saddam Hussein,” only one Iraqi opposition group has ever really scared him.
5. Did Bob Dylan really sing “Moon River”?
6. “Dive, dive!” yelled the captain of the submarine.
7. correct
8. “Biff, I wish you would stop calling me Happy,” he said.
9. Did the Cyclops actually believe him when he said, “My name is No Man”?
10. correct
11. Camilla said, “I am going to write a short story about an aardvark in Ireland”; afterwards, she changed her mind.
12. “Is this a knife I see before my eyes?” asked the actor.
13. Star Trek fans used to say, “Beam me up, Scotty.”
14. correct
15. “Send in the clowns,” sang the frustrated coach.

1. Holly Hunter won an Academy Award for the film The Piano (斜體) even though she spoke only in the last scene.
2. The character of Edger in the play King Lear (斜體) and character of Iago in play Othello are two of Shakespeare’s worst villains.
3. Three hundred and seventy five cats were believed to have been killed in the city of Pompeii when Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 A.D.
4. The Principal of Imperial Valley High School canceled classes when the temperature reached 100 degrees.
5. Yesterday, the Houston Rockets beat the New York Knicks 86 to 84.
6. When the Japanese fishing boat was attached by a whale, 7 sailors were seriously injured.
7. My fine was $3.75 when I returned the book The Hero with a Thousand Faces (斜體) to the library.
8. Before he closed up, Amador ordered 2 new computers, 150 reams of paper, 90 gallons of ink, and 200 boxes of staples and paper clips for his copy shop.
9. Brent likes to listen to the radio program Fresh Air (斜體) on National Public Radio.
10. One of my favorite essays, entitled “Smoking Ads: A matter of Life,” is written by Ellen Goodman, a syndicated columnist whose work appears in may newspapers, including the Kansas City Star (斜體).
11. On their album Kiko (斜體), the band Los Lobos included a song called “Arizona Skies.”
12. The works of many great mystery writers, including P. D. James, appear on the television show Mystery (斜體).
13. A psychologist, Dr. John Gavion, claims that as many as 50 percent of the homeless people are Vietnam veterans.
14. Andre took notes as Professor Guerra talked about South American art in his Hispanic studies 120 class.
15. All thirty of the students were able to recognize the painting Madonna and Child (斜體) by Fra Lippo Lippi.

Editing Skills
Main clauses (MC) can exist independently.
Subordinate clauses (SM) cannot exist independently, but they still contain a subject and a verb.
1.MC 2.N 3.MC 4.SC 5.MC
6.N 7.MC 8.SC 9.N 10.MC
11.SC 12.SC 13.MC 14.MC 15.SC
16.N 17.SC 18.MC 19.MC 20.MC

1.SC 2.RP 3.SC 4.CA 5.CC
6.CC 7.CA 8.CC 9.SC 10.CC

1. Penelope worked on her weaving everyday, thinking about Odysseus.
2. The dog had been barking all night long.
3. After visiting the dentist, Zelda stopped at the ice cream store for ate two hot fudge sundaes and a banana split.
4. Take off your shoes, so that we can check the explosives. (so that = in order that)
5. He visited his cousin in France, where he had spent all of his childhood to visit his cousins.
6. correct
7. Andrea did not wash her hand for three weeks because Fabio had kissed it.
8. Delighted by his arachnoids abilities which he had just discovered, Spiderman went on the Web to tell his friend.
9. To prevent Lois discovering his true identity, Clark told her that he was afraid of heights.
10. A mouse scampered across the floor, stopped to stare at the cat in the chair, and then disappeared into a crack in the wall.

1.F 2.CS 3.F 4.correct 5.CS 6. CS 7. F 8. C 9. F 10. CS

In “The Thin Grey Line,” Marya Mannes says that the difference between right and wrong is becoming blurred. She writes that today’s society is losing its moral fiber. I agree with many of the points that Mannes makes.
One point I agree with is that the parents of today’s children cross the “thin grey line” many times a day. When I was a child, my parents used to hide my brother and me oh the floor of our Pinto so they would not have to pay for us when we went to drive-in movies. And when I was too old for a Kid’s Meal at McDonald’s, they would lie and get me one anyway. As I grew older, these things did not seem wrong to me. I thought that as long as I didn’t get caught there was nothing wrong.
Mannes also writes, “Your son’s friend admitted cheating at exams because ‘everybody did it.’” I have to admit that I also have cheated on an exam or two and that many people I know have done the same. In the eleventh grade a student I knew managed to get a copy of the exam we were supposed to take the next day. He then proceeded to distribute it to his friends, and no one ever was caught. Did we all learn a lesson? We sure did. We learned how easy it was to cheat.
All in all, the morality of the nation is headed in the wrong direction. And if this generation is bad, what will the next gene ration be like? Mannes’s solution is a good one. We used to be a moral nation, and we can be on again if we educate people. We should start with the children before they become corrupt in their thinking.

1. The Queen of Hearts invited Alice to play croquet.
2. The posse captured the Daltons and the Clantons.
3. The coach had trained Mario the marathon for six months.
4. Janet’s parents did not allow Janet to watch the movie because she did not complete her homework yet.
5. The government inoculated members of the army for scarlet fever.
6. Security guards checked Airline passengers routinely to make sure no one was carrying weapons on board.
7. Norman Rockwell painted many scenes of American life in the 1950s.
8. Many people consider fireworks dangerous and many cities have outlawed them.
9. Publishers rejected Emily Dickinson’s poems many times.
10. Douglas and Jaime watched the Harry potter movies numerous times.
11. (The sentence was already use the active voice)
12. Everyone who has been invited to the picnic hopes for blue skies and warm weather.
13. Darnell is studying to be a doctor even though he does not know how to pay his tuition.
14. Herman started to worry when someone told him that he saw wasps flying into his room.
15. Six worried zookeepers chased a llama and an aardvark from one end of the park to the other.

1. has, 2. Do, 3. keep, 4. was, 5. was 6. costs 7. is 8. are 9. has 10. visits 11. work 12. seems 13. has 14. is 15. was

1. has 2. was 3. correct 4. was 5. have 6. sends 7. crosses 8. correct 9. apply 10. stand 11. was 12. helps 13. correct 14. thinks 15. has

1. (Dangling) Pulling quickly over to the curb, the horseman saw the drugstore appear to open.
2. (Misplaced)The painting that had been stolen from the museum was found in a pawnshop.
3. (Misplaced) Amber decided to study only after she had received poor grades on her first and two test.
4. (Misplaced) Julissa, whistling under her breath, walked her dogs down the street and into the park.
5. (Dangling) Because frustrated by his poor performance, the runners clenched his fists very tightly.
6. (Misplaced) The dog groomer put the collie with the shaggy tail on the table and began to clip its fur.
7. (Misplaced) After eating almost three strawberry pies, Oscar felt a bit woozy.
8. (Dangling) Bonnie and Clyde held hands slowly and admired the sunset when the sun was sinking toward the horizon.
9. (Misplaced) Butch Cassidy riding his favorite horse pulled out the pistol and shot at a coyote.
10. (Dangling) After robbing dozens of trains, Jesse James finally found he was lucky.
11. (Misplaced) Sara Lee finally decided to serve the dessert that she had been keeping in the refrigerator to her guests.
12. (Misplaced) The doctor performing the autopsy recorded her findings carefully.
13. (Dangling) As I crossed the avenue, the light changed from green to red too quickly.
14. (Misplaced) The SWAT team captured only one of the escaped convicts.
15. (Dangling and Misplaced modifiers) While my sister camped in the desert, a snake with a triangular head crawled next to her.

1. It is raining, so all games are cancelled.
2. In modern day, no one should ever be homeless.
3. The car was weaving in and out of traffic a few seconds before it hit the pedestrian.
4. Please remain seated until the plane comes to a complete stop.
5. We ascended up the stirs until we descended down on the elevator.
6. Randy’s new teak desk was very expensive, but he needed to but it for growing his business.
7. The death penalty is unfair for the poor, because they cannot offer to hire expensive attorneys to fight with it.
8. He must think the earth is flat.
9. You know only the fundamentals of the game, so don’t become overconfident..
10. I remember what my hometown looked like.

1. The promise of freedom in America has attracted many immigrants.
2. Three people were standing under the awning.
3. Sometimes lying is necessary to protect innocent people.
4. The child wishes Santa to give him a bicycle.
5. Joh’s loyalty makes me favorable toward him.
6. Few people support a woman’s right to choose their intimate partners.
7. Reason is better than knowledge.
8. Many people experience meditation and relaxation of music.
9. We regret to decide to terminate your employment.
10. Aside from family conflict, Faulkner also examines racial conflict.

Expand and Condense Sentences
P. 1 (Expanding)
1. The little bear ate its delicious food satisfyingly.
2. The brown bear yawned contagiously.
3. I was late only for some special reasons.
4. I am young enough to stay up all night.

P. 1 (Condensing)
1. The policeman was bitten on the kneecap by a midget.
2. Sloppy Joe’s Restaurant serves excellent food.
3. The summer McNutt suffered from malaria.
4. She slapped me because I pinched her.
5. Our gymnasium was fifty feet by thirty feet.

P. 2 (using similes and metaphors)
1. Hank had a nose like a cherry.
2. Our Constitution was strong. It was a fortress to protect human rights.
3. My room was so small that I slept with my head out of the window.
4. The snow was so deep that the mailman dropped letters into chimneys.

A. Practice
1. 刪去 small, little
2. 刪去 to eat
3. That summer McNutt suffered from malaria.
4. She slapped me because I pinched her.
5. Our gymnasium was indeed very small, measuring fifty feet by thirty feet. (或Our gymnasium was indeed fifty feet by thirty feet.)
6. The novels of Thomas Hardy often rely on coincidences.
7. correct

The tired woman held a thick book in her left hand, waiting for her ride in the parking lot. Finally a small, blue car stopped next to her. When she opened the door to the car, a white poodle jumped out quickly, ran into the parking lot, and disappeared between the parked cars.

Overall Practice:
In “We Grew So Big,” Michael D. Lemonick says up to 40% of Asians suffered undernutrition 25 years ago. The United Nations estimated, however, economy development in Asia makes people get into habit of eating exceeding their health. Modernization takes exercise space and introduces fat laden foods to a new generation. It leads them to be dramatically obese.

1. The sleek dolphins leaped out of the water in long and graceful arcs.
2. The green ugly monster walked out of the black lagoon slowly.
3. A fat and white goose with a mean look in its eye waddled toward the unsuspecting tourist.
4. The ferocious dog with three head and the tail of a serpent guarded the entrance to the underworld.
5. The crude and vulgar singer named himself after a popular brand of candy.

1. The new mystery novel was about a violent murder who was in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, New York City.
2. The newspapers in almost every city prominently carried the murder story on the front pages.
3. The basketball game for the state championship was held in the gym of a small town on the banks of a wide, muddy river.
4. The sold out game between one team from a small town and another from a large city was held on a Saturday afternoon.
5. When the team from the small town won, the surprised town held a big parade in celebration of the players.

1. I loaded my homemade rifle, cocked the spring, and waited on the steps of the porch.
2. When I came into the house my mother told me reproachfully that she had seen from the kitchen window the suffering I had caused.
3. Bill Jacobus’s father, to help combat the wartime food shortage and to supplement rationing, had built a chicken coop in his backyard.
4. Just possibly, she might be the wisest woman on this planet.
5. I got thinking one day about all those women on the Titanic (斜體) who passed up dessert at dinner that fateful night in an effort to “cut back.”
6. We live on a sparse diet of promises we make to ourselves when all the conditions are perfect.
7. The days get shorter and the list of promises to ourselves gets longer.
8. It’s just that I might as well apply it directly to my hips with a spatula and eliminate the digestive process.
9. On top of Mount Ritter, 13,000 feet above sea level, I was entranced at the sight of the orange-red sun as it peeked over the glistening peaks far off in the east.
10. Cumulous clouds appeared transparent as the glowed bright red in the morning glory.

2009年3月15日 星期日

Suggestions for Essays (by Professor Anonymous at Harvard)

Many people have found the following suggestions helpful in writing essays for this kind of course. Although some of the suggestions may sound elementary or obvious, they involve basic principles of good writing that are often neglected, with uniformly bad effects.

1. Answer the question, dealing with each part explicitly.

2. Make a systematic argument, progressing from an introduction to a conclusion. Don not just meander from point to point.

3. Try to take the viewpoint of the general, intelligent reader. Do not assume that the reader has the specialized knowledge of your instructor. What does the reader need to know to understand your argument? Take his or her viewpoint requires at least the following:

a. Introduce the topic to be discussed. Do not simply jump into the middle of things without any introduction or overview.

b. Define the central concepts. Do not assume that the reader knows what they mean.

c. Be explicit in your explanations, laying out exactly how, for example, a given concept explains the behavior in question.

d. Give concrete examples of behaviors. Vague references to general types of behaviors will not help most readers. People understand concrete examples much better than general categories, and working out the concrete specifics will help you to clarify our concepts as well.

e. State your conclusion explicitly, capping and tying together your argument.

4. Please do not at least one quick revision and editing before handing in the paper. Dashed-off papers sound dashed-off.

2009年3月14日 星期六


因段考題目內容較多,為節省作答時間,經建議,請同學事先準備類似Stanta Monica的作文。勿用lyrics方式寫出;請重視punctuation, editing skill, expanding and condensing skills等。

2009年3月12日 星期四

How to Expand and Condense Sentences

The answers may vary.

P. 1 (Expanding)

1. The little bear ate its delicious food satisfyingly.
2. The brown bear yawned contagiously.
3. I was late only for some special reasons.
4. I am young enough to stay up all night.

P. 1 (Condensing)
1. The policeman was bitten on the kneecap by a midget.
2. Sloppy Joe’s Restaurant serves excellent food.
3. The summer McNutt suffered from malaria.
4. She slapped me because I pinched her.
5. Our gymnasium was fifty feet by thirty feet.

P. 2 (using similes and metaphors)
1. Hank had a nose like a cherry.
2. Our Constitution was strong. It was a fortress to protect human rights.
3. My room was so small that I slept with my head out of the window.
4. The snow was so deep that the mailman dropped letters into chimneys.

Overall practice:
In “We Grew So Gig,” Michael D. Lemonick says up to 40% of Asians suffered undernutrition 25 years ago. The United Nations estimated, however, economy development in Asia makes people get into habit of eating exceeding their health. Besides, modernization takes exercise space and introduces fat-laden foods to a new generation. It led them to be dramatically obese.

P. 3 (condensing)
1. The sleek dolphins leaped out of the water in long, graceful arcs.
2. The green, ugly monster walked out of the black lagoon slowly.
3. A fat while goose waddled toward the unsuspecting tourists.
4. A ferocious dog with three heads and the tail of a serpent guarded the entrance.
5. The crude, vulgar singer named himself after a popular brand of candy.

P. 4. (condensing)

1. The new mystery novel was about a violent murder in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, New York City.
2. The newspapers in almost every city prominently carried the murder story of the front pages.
3. The basketball for the state championship was held in the gym in a small town on the banks of a wide and muddy river.

P. 5 (condensing)
1. I loaded my homemade rifle, cocked the spring, and waited on the steps of th porch.
2. When I came in, my mother told me reproachfully that she had seen from the kitchen window the suffering I had caused.

2009年2月28日 星期六

Example of Giving Comment

Stick to the points of the checklist and try to give words or phrases only when you write comment. That is, avoid to write sentences on the checklist form because we have short memory span.

2009年2月25日 星期三

Time to Recheck Your Punctuation

Assignment (作業 )
Please make sure you understand how to use punctuation. Then, go back to reread your research paper, double check your puncutation, and revise it if necessary.

2009年2月18日 星期三


1. Blog 訂閱的功能正在請教資訊老師解決。目前只能自己加入我的最愛或將此blog放置(link)在你的部落格,隨時就可以看到新訊息。
2. 同學必須針對自己的主題找資料(網路上、坊間書籍都有這些主題的敘述),然後做成投影片,上台報告。上台時請勿看稿唸。老師這邊也有些原文資料,我會把它交給小老師 (日小老師可找惠風老師拿)。同學真得找不到資料時,再求助小老師。
4. 製作投影片,可參考此PowerPoint例子1,例子2 (夜106 Vincent的作品)。

2009年2月13日 星期五



投稿網站:中學生網站 http://www.shs.edu.tw

2009年2月7日 星期六

Syllabus of Research Project

Second Semester, 2009

Research Project is a course that helps you experience methods of discovery, critical thinking, logical analyses, and problem-solving and even reach the demands of the community. It is a course that offers you a chance to go beyond what you know and think and incorporate ideas by others, and to present your integrated products. To involve in the course, you will need to choose a subject and do a series of studying and researching. You will need to access the Internet, to check out books from the library, and perhaps to interview several people to discover information or reach a new understanding. Most important, to present your integrated works, you will need to polish your writing and oral presentation skills. The class activities this semester will focus on the skill of presentation and video/audio projects.

1. Class attendance, preparation and participation
2. Satisfactory completion of all the assignments

Gibaldi, J. (2003). MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 6th edition. New York: The Modern Language Association of America. (書林書局代理)
(Optional) Stephen McDonald & William Salomone. (2004). The Writer’s Response: A Reading-Based Approach to College Writing. (書林代理)

IV. Evaluation:
1. Class attendance, participation, quizzes, assignments: 40%
2. Midterm exams and presentation: 30%
3. Final project: 30%

Weekly Schedule
Week 1
• Orientation
1. Midterm exam 1 focus: basic editing skill and punctuation and oral presentation
2. Midterm exam 2 focus: video project by PowerDirect
3. Final exam focus: video project by dubbing
• Comment on your final paper
• Presentation skills (visual aids and oral skills)

Week 2
1. Spelling
2. Punctuation
3. Italics
4. Names of Persons
5. Numbers
6. Titles of Works in the Research Paper
7. Questions
※(日)負責同學:15, 18, 21, 20, 31, 33, 13, 29, 32, and 37
(夜)負責同學:32, 33, 4, 30, 15, and 40

• Practice: Santa Monica

Week 3
• Editing skills
1. Clauses vs. Sentences
2. Consistency in verb tense and verb voice
3. Subject-verb agreement
4. misplaced and dangling modifiers
5. Clear and concise sentences
※(日)負責同學:1, 2, 7, 9, 12, 23, and 10
(夜)負責同學:1, 31, 10, 38, and 11

Week 4
• Sentence writing skills
1. Expand sentences
2. Condense sentences
※(日)負責同學:14, 25, 26, 34, 22, 30, 40, and 41
(夜)負責同學:10, 19, 35, 2, 3, 6, and 8

Week 5 Review
Week 6 Review
Week 7 Midterm Exam I (written exam)
Week 8 Wrap up

Week 9 (April 5 to 11)
• Essay writing skill:
1. Unity and coherence
2. Introduction and conclusion
※(日)負責同學:5, 36, 38, 24, 19, 39, and 42
(夜)負責同學:9, 20, 28, 29, 22, 24, and 14

• Presentation—writing genres: narration and description
• Readings:
1. Education
2. City life
※(日)負責同學:3, 4, 27, 10, 11, 16, 17, and 28
(夜)負責同學:25, 26, 34, 17, 12, and 41

• 全班 Writing: An introduction to Shilin High School of Commerce

Week 10-11 • Midterm Exam I (oral presentation)(or Speech)
※Per group: 10 minutes

Week 12 • How to use PowerDirector
• Assignment: Finish your script of introduction to Shihlin High School

Week 13 • The practice of PowerDirector
• Assignment: Finish your script of introduction to Shihlin High School

Week 14 Midterm Project Due

Week 15 • Role-playing
• Readings:
1. Short play 1

Week 16 • Role-playing
• Readings:
1. Short play 2

Week 17 • How to do recording

Week 18&19 • The practice of dubbing and recording

Week 20 Final Project Due

2009年1月11日 星期日


Check out this SlideShare Presentation:
View SlideShare document or Upload your own.

2009年1月10日 星期六

Final Reminder

Dear all,

Since it is time to the end of the semester, I am sure each of you is terribly busy writing your final paper. However, it is impossible for me to revise your paper and discuss with you right after you hand in your paper because of my tight schedule and too many papers handed in at the same time. Thus, I can only suggest you send your digital file or write emails to me if you have questions or problems writing your papers.


2009年1月5日 星期一

An Example of a Research Paper

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:
View SlideShare document or Upload your own.

2009年1月3日 星期六

Here Comes the Conclusion!

In the conclusion of a research paper, we usually start with restating the theme of the project, the steps throughout the process, and the issues that affect the research. Also, we have to report the results or findings and explain how and why. Most importantly, do not forget to write down our implications. Try to put something that we have made in the certain context and show how our research is related to issues in the greater world.

Sounds familiar? Right! Why not take a look at this formula?
Conclusion = a summary of the introduction, the thesis, and the findings + your implications.

Remember what I mentioned in class: “Your small step could be a giant leap for the society and for the world!”
