2009年1月11日 星期日


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2009年1月10日 星期六

Final Reminder

Dear all,

Since it is time to the end of the semester, I am sure each of you is terribly busy writing your final paper. However, it is impossible for me to revise your paper and discuss with you right after you hand in your paper because of my tight schedule and too many papers handed in at the same time. Thus, I can only suggest you send your digital file or write emails to me if you have questions or problems writing your papers.


2009年1月5日 星期一

An Example of a Research Paper

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2009年1月3日 星期六

Here Comes the Conclusion!

In the conclusion of a research paper, we usually start with restating the theme of the project, the steps throughout the process, and the issues that affect the research. Also, we have to report the results or findings and explain how and why. Most importantly, do not forget to write down our implications. Try to put something that we have made in the certain context and show how our research is related to issues in the greater world.

Sounds familiar? Right! Why not take a look at this formula?
Conclusion = a summary of the introduction, the thesis, and the findings + your implications.

Remember what I mentioned in class: “Your small step could be a giant leap for the society and for the world!”
