2009年5月27日 星期三

得獎感言--Positive Attitude


I am impressed by the winners' words which echo what I have said:
The major key to win the prize is your positive attitude--self-studying and asking questions. If you don't study and ask, you will never learn! Thus, Keep doing.

2009年5月26日 星期二

Assignment for This Week

1. Script 完成
2. PowerDirect 第1版

Feedback on Your Scripts

1. Read the tips on how to write a story.
2. Give a correct format for writing a story.
3. Add Conversations.
4. Add emotion description.
5. Make sure your story contains dramatic effects and climaxes.

For example,

2009年5月24日 星期日



Groups for the Final Project:
Class 212
61122, 61121, 61130 & 61140 (Rats)
61105, 61110, 61113 & 61141 (A Love Story)
61119, 61124 & 61139 (?)
61103 (A Journey)
61118, 61115, 61136 & 61138 (A Ghost Story)
61111, 61116, 61117 & 61142 (A Shadow)
61112 & 61123 (A Young Lady on the Fourth Floor)
61125 & 61128 (?)
61129, 61132 & 61137 (Net Pals?)
61120 & 61133 (Three Little Pigs)
61127 (Lion Stitch?)
61114, 61126, 61131 & 61134(A Legend)

Class 306
53616 & 53638 (Akido)
53615 & 53640 (Naomi Doesn't Like to Wear a Skirt)
53641 & 53617 (A Dirty School)
53609, 53611, 53619 & 53620 (Sorry, Jerry)
53603, 53606, 53607 & 53602 (Three Pig 2)
53622, 53624 & 53630 (Pedency)
53610 (The Unique Parrot)
53632, 53634, 53635 & 53639 (A Little Lion)
53628 & 53629 (Echo)
53612 & 53614 (Little King December)

2009年5月21日 星期四

Big News

感謝大直高中所辦的Moodle研習,讓我知道台灣還有這種可以分享的自由軟體 (合法使用並下載)!你們可以好好運用在 final project!


2009年5月11日 星期一


How to Write a Story

As an English teacher, I am usually asked how to learn English including four skills. In fact, my answer to such a question will never be changed--Always focusing on the skill itself. That is, if you want to learn how to write, then write. However, reading and writing are two sides of a coin. So, without input such as reading stories, it is impossible for you to write a good story. See the following tips adapted from Blackdog and hope you can learn something.

First, read stories.

Second, gather ideas for your story.

Third, know your characters.

Fourth, create a plot for your story.

Fifth, limit the breadth of your story.

Sixth, decide who will tell the story: first-person (“I”), second-person (“you”), or third-person (“he” or “she”)?

Seventh, start writing.

Eighth, discuss with your friends or instructors.

Ninth, keep revising your story.

Here is another website that helps you start writing:

2009年5月4日 星期一

Grammar Checker

雖然不完全精確,但不無小補 (BNC) (Google) (BNC) (BNC)

The rule-based checker