2008年11月18日 星期二


1. Finish your outline. 2. Find another article and write the note.
3. Check your link workable.
4. Check your school report. http://homepage.ntust.edu.tw/YUYING/
(Class 212: Nov 24 due; Class 306: Nov 26 due)

2 則留言:

匿名 提到...

I. Introduction

A. Many people can’t to understand real Hip-hop culture

B. The Hip-hop culture is not attach in Taiwan

C. Observes, interviews

1. To interview part of teenagers (15-18 year-old ), adults (19-25 year-old ) and specialized dancer

2. Search some issues that people point for “Hip-hop” in internet, magazines or books

D. To answer the research question

E. Expected findings

1. To understand the real Hip-hop culture

2. Reminding person don’t ignorant to follow the fashion

II. Thesis

A. Hip-hop background

1. History

2. Evolution

(a) Dancing

(b) Music

(c) Style

B. Signifiance of Hip-hop

1. How the Hip-hop soul

2. Four primitive in Hip-hop

C. Contrast and comparison

1. in foreign ( New York )

2. in Taiwan

D. Opinions of effect

1. Research phenomenon

2. Senior dancer

III. Conclusion

A. The real Hip-hop sprite

B. Same culture in different countries

C. Advertise Hip-hop in Taiwan

IV. Discussion

V. References

VI. Appendix

Teacher, threr is group-53625 53626 53634 outline. Because teacher couldn't make any change on our blog, and we put the outline in there.


夜306 25 26 34

Chris' Wonderland 提到...

Give the title
I. Introduction
A. Many people can’t to understand real Hip-hop culture
B. The Hip-hop culture is not attach (error?) in Taiwan (unclear)
C. By searching relevant materials, observing (what?) and interviewing, we would like to clarify what Hip-hop really is.
1. To search relevant issues on “Hip-hop” in the internet, magazines or books
2. To interview teenagers (15-18 year-old), adults (19-25 year-old) and specialized dancer
D. To answer the research question (what Hip-hop really is?)
E. Expected findings
1. To understand the real Hip-hop culture
2. To remind people not to follow the fashion, without really sense of Hip-hop
II. Thesis
A. Hip-hop background
1. History
2. Evolution
(a) Dancing
(b) Music
(c) Style
B. Significance of Hip-hop
1. What the Hip-hop soul is
2. Four primitive schools of Hip-hop (*school派別)
(in Taiwan? Or in the world?)
C. Contrast and comparison
1. in foreign ( New York )
2. in Taiwan
D. Discussion
1. Research phenomenon
2. Opinions from teenagers, adults, and specialized dancer
III. Conclusion
A. The real Hip-hop spirit
B. Same culture in different countries
C. Advertise Hip-hop in Taiwan (What is this?)
V. References
VI. Appendix