2009年3月12日 星期四

How to Expand and Condense Sentences

The answers may vary.

P. 1 (Expanding)

1. The little bear ate its delicious food satisfyingly.
2. The brown bear yawned contagiously.
3. I was late only for some special reasons.
4. I am young enough to stay up all night.

P. 1 (Condensing)
1. The policeman was bitten on the kneecap by a midget.
2. Sloppy Joe’s Restaurant serves excellent food.
3. The summer McNutt suffered from malaria.
4. She slapped me because I pinched her.
5. Our gymnasium was fifty feet by thirty feet.

P. 2 (using similes and metaphors)
1. Hank had a nose like a cherry.
2. Our Constitution was strong. It was a fortress to protect human rights.
3. My room was so small that I slept with my head out of the window.
4. The snow was so deep that the mailman dropped letters into chimneys.

Overall practice:
In “We Grew So Gig,” Michael D. Lemonick says up to 40% of Asians suffered undernutrition 25 years ago. The United Nations estimated, however, economy development in Asia makes people get into habit of eating exceeding their health. Besides, modernization takes exercise space and introduces fat-laden foods to a new generation. It led them to be dramatically obese.

P. 3 (condensing)
1. The sleek dolphins leaped out of the water in long, graceful arcs.
2. The green, ugly monster walked out of the black lagoon slowly.
3. A fat while goose waddled toward the unsuspecting tourists.
4. A ferocious dog with three heads and the tail of a serpent guarded the entrance.
5. The crude, vulgar singer named himself after a popular brand of candy.

P. 4. (condensing)

1. The new mystery novel was about a violent murder in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, New York City.
2. The newspapers in almost every city prominently carried the murder story of the front pages.
3. The basketball for the state championship was held in the gym in a small town on the banks of a wide and muddy river.

P. 5 (condensing)
1. I loaded my homemade rifle, cocked the spring, and waited on the steps of th porch.
2. When I came in, my mother told me reproachfully that she had seen from the kitchen window the suffering I had caused.
