2009年6月14日 星期日

Lump Images, Words, and Sounds Together

Dear all,

I'd like to remind you of two things.

1. It is time for you to lump the images, words, and sounds together and become one audio file.
2. You may participate the thesis competition issued by the Education Bureau in October. The ones who won the prize still can take part in it. However, the length is no longer than 10 pages. Otherwise, you'll never win.
How to save your file as PDF file. You may download from http://toget.pchome.com.tw/intro/utility_file/utility_file_view/9525.html or from the Bureau that you submit the paper to.

Another Notice
(Whenever You Change the Computer or Leave Your Computer)


這樣就不會掉檔啦! (要帶到不同電腦編輯或最後備份作品時一定要做哦!)
